The Not-a-Podcast Show Video

Foraging for the Soul with Zora

Episode 28 of the Not-a-Podcast Show featuring Zora.

Episode 28 of the Not-a-Podcast Show went live on January 04 and my guest was Zora, on Twitter @Zora8Me. I called it “Foraging for the Soul” because she has an offbeat spirituality like myself, likely because we both grew up in Scientology.

I did not intend to make most of this conversation about Scientology, so there came a moment when I bluntly asked to move another direction toward current life stuff and broad spiritual discussion. I think when us Scientologists get talking about our past strange religion, those of us who left it, we can easily dwell at the social trauma that we went through.

Quite a lot of this is discussing her life in the church and going to a private Scientology school. I was in public school, so I lived a kind of split life. Both situations involved compartmentalization and social trauma. No way around trauma, I tell you.

Zora is a regular person who takes time to craft thoughtful tweets and who will follow up arguments that might ensue, but without devolving into nastiness and trolling. I believe that because she is approachable and relatable, she has somehow broken through the noise and developed a fan base.

The chat was active for this episode, so that was nice, and I picked up a handful of her followers. She is on the libertarian side of things but we hardly deal with politics.

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