Held Gear

Held Gear is a fashion accessories brand that I absorbed in the spring of 2022. It was formed in 2008 and has a loyal customer base. Since taking it on, I created a dot com page including a full marketplace accepting Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies; expanded its social media presence, opened eBay and DePop stores, maintained […]

Death Worth Living

Death Worth Living is a music and arts collective based in Portland, Oregon, active between 2006 and 2011. The project was led by myself and featured several consistent players including Steven Shane Schneider, Jean-Paul Jenkins, Peter Bryant, Anthony T. Schatz, and Joseph Bengry. Beyond this core, dozens more joined the group for at least one […]

Cathedral Park Jazz Festival

A summary of my work as director of Cathedral Park Jazz Festival in 2012-2013.


Acclaimed Free Music and Arts Festival in St. Johns, Portland No.Fest is an event that I co-created in 2008 to promote experimental music and arts in my community. Through 2011, I worked as the project manager and executive director. This project led to the creation of InterArts, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt corporation. Under this umbrella, I […]

THRU Media

I am reviving the THRU Media brand. It was a magazine startup, and that is what this page is purposed for, to show the magazine. I need it today simply as a production label. There is zero reason not to use it. It takes vastly too much time to generate a new brand, new following, […]

1977 Volkswagen Dasher Fastback

How I Learned to Rebuild a Motor

The Point

Mixed-use home remodel and conversion for InterArts HQ