
Winter 2023 Photo Collection

See a collection of photos taken during the winter of 2023.

Last year, I was hooked up with a Panasonic G-85 DSLM camera for the dual purpose of taking product shots for Held Gear, and to revive the old Thru Media dream with plans of publishing new original video content. As things have gone, I’ve taken to photography and have had the support of Philly friends in providing me some gigs. The pictures below are a combination of shots taken for hire and others I’ve volunteered for.

I don’t get out enough to shoot for the sake of it, I always tie it to something else, in part to maximize my time. Giving away photos for someone who can use them while gaining experience is a good tactic, although one stands the risk of making negative impressions with sub par results.

The photos below are a small collection of some favorites from the winter of 2023. Events represented here include Solar’s dance party series Oblivion, Great Circle’s live ambient music series Passages featuring a visual experience from Klip Collective, and Yolo Ono’s sober evening of DJ music called Club Connection.

Please read the captions for context to each photo, and if you want to know more intimate detail about it, please follow my instagram and you’ll see the same batch of images with a story and tags to the people involved.

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