The Not-a-Podcast Show Video

LoveStreaming with Larry Yes

Talking about the great elusive Love with musician and visual artist Larry Yes.

Larry Yes has been finding a new audience, a new art form, by tripling down on LOVE. Long time songwriter beloved by many, he finds himself painting rainbows and words of encouragement, especially the words love and peace.

My own heart has been breaking through those layers of bitterness that keep us from seeing life as it is, from enjoying it to its fullest, from our heart’s desire.

There was one day that I had when the ego dissolved and I knew I needed to have Larry Yes on to talk about it.

We discuss this love vibe, its impact on daily life, drug use, his Sun Ra moment, and more.

Our conversation was enjoyable, although in retrospect I would say his live painting demonstration put a little more pressure on me to fill in the conversation.

Once again, the internet was rough, but the audio held together. These are still kind of in test mode for me, and what I’m going to have to commit to is ensuring that my guests are prepared.

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